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Ratapihatyöntekijä ja tavaravaunu

Safety is our way of doing things

We want to offer society the safest way to travel. We take responsibility for the safety of all VR employees, our passengers, our customers, goods and the environment.

Our goal is to be a leader in safety. We systematically develop our safety work so that none of our employees are injured at work, passengers and goods are transported to their destination in the safest way possible and our operations do not harm people or the environment. We are constantly working with our stakeholders to improve railway safety.

We develop our safety and security culture with good, values-based leadership, where we consider the effects of human factors on job success. We are committed to the continuous improvement of safety and security management.

We ensure that VR employees have safe working conditions and the competence they need to work safely. We use well-maintained fleets in all modes of transport.

Safety is a matter for all VR employees

Safety is our way of doing things. The overall responsibility for safety lies with VR’s management and supervisors, but each VR employee must intervene in risky activities and report their safety observations.

We involve all employees in the development of safety by encouraging open discussion, reporting, and making development proposals that improve safety.

We monitor our safety development at every level and learn from safety incidents. We will remedy the observed safety deficiencies, highlight successes and use incentive schemes to encourage the continuous development of safety. We are committed to a zero accidents approach, according to which all injuries and damage can be prevented.

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