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Supervisory Board 

The Supervisory Board supervises the management of VR Group and that the company’s affairs are conducted in accordance with sound business principles, the law, the Articles of Association and the decisions of the Annual General Meeting.

The Supervisory Board issues instructions to the Board of Directors on matters with far-reaching impact and matters of principle. It also submits its opinion on the financial statements and the auditor’s report to the Annual General Meeting, discusses the financial and annual plans and monitors their implementation.

VR-Group Plc’s Supervisory Board must consist of at least six (6) and at most twelve (12) members. The Chair and members of the Supervisory Board are appointed by the General Meeting. The Supervisory Board elects a Vice Chair from among its members. The term of the members of the Supervisory Board is one (1) year and it expires at the end of the Annual General Meeting following their appointment.

The tasks of the Supervisory Board shall be:

  • supervise the company's administration, which is the responsibility of the Board of Directors and the CEO, and that the company's affairs are managed with a view to sound business principles and profitability, as well as in accordance with the law, the Articles of Association and the decisions of general meetings;
  • give instructions to the Board of Directors on matters that are far-reaching or important in principle;
  • give its opinion to the Annual General Meeting on the financial statements and the auditor's report; both
  • review financial and annual plans, including proposals for far-reaching changes in the provision of basic services, and monitor the implementation of those plans.

Representatives of personnel organisations also attend the meetings of VR Group Plc’s Supervisory Board.

The organisations represented in the Supervisory Board are the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL, Railway Union Finland RAU ry, Railway Technical and Salaried Employees’ Union RTTL, Union of Private Sector Professionals ERTO, Service Union United PAM, Transport Workers’ Union AKT and VR Akava. The representatives of the personnel organisations have the right to attend and speak at meetings, but they are not full members of the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board of VR-Group Plc


Markku Eestilä, chairman (National Coalition Party)
Vilhelm Junnila, deputy chairman (Finns Party)
Martin Paasi (National Coalition Party)
Teemu Kinnari (National Coalition Party)
Kaisa Garedew (Finns Party)
Arto Luukkanen (Finns Party)
Niina Malm (Social Democratic Party)
Lauri Lyly (Social Democratic Party)
Juha Viitala (Social Democratic Party)
Tuomas Kettunen (Centre Party)
Hanna Holopainen (The Greens)
Anna Mäkipää (Left Alliance)

Personnel organisation representatives

Chair Juri Aaltonen, Union of Private Sector Professionals ERTO
Chair Petri Lillqvist, Railway Professionals, Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL
Chair Olli-Pekka Nyman, VR Akava 
Chair Markku Lehtinen, Railway Union Finland RAU ry
Chair Ismo Kokko, Transport Workers’ Union AKT
Chair Annika Rönni-Sällinen, Service Union United PAM
Chair Jari Äikäs, Railway Technical and Salaried Employees’ Union RTTL


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