Our stakeholders
The objectives of our stakeholder collaboration include expanding the rail transport market, reducing transport emissions and promoting competition and infrastructure investments supporting rail transport. In addition, we want to improve the connectivity of Finland, the security of supply, the passenger experience and the competitiveness of the business sector.
Advocating for sustainable change is an important part of the corporate social responsibility of a state-owned company. In addition to active social dialogue, this includes providing expert insights for stakeholders and decision-makers.
Our important stakeholders include, for example, customers, personnel, personnel organisations, the state, political decision-makers in the government, in the Parliament and in cities and municipalities, the supervisory board, official authorities, political parties, interest groups, business partners, the media and non-governmental organisations.

Customers and business partners
Our business stakeholders are customers and business partners in Finland and abroad.
Our business units VR Long-distance Traffic, VR City Traffic and VR Transpoint, as well as VR FleetCare, a subsidiary of the VR Group, are constantly developing their services by listening to and cooperating with their customers. We implement our services together with our business partners.
Political decision-makers and authorities
Our public stakeholders include the state as an owner, national and international decision-makers, the Ministry of Transport and Communications and various authorities, such as the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency and the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom.
Cities and regions
We continuously engage in active dialogue with cities and regional councils to develop regional train traffic.
We work closely with our personnel organisations. Our personnel is involved in the collective agreement activities of the Finnish Railway Union, Raideammattilaisten yhteisjärjestö JHL (Railway section of the trade union JHL), VR Akava, Rautatiealan Teknisten ja Toimihenkilöiden Liitto RTTL (Union of Railway Technical and Salaried Personnel), the Union of Private Sector Professionals ERTO, the Finnish Transport Workers’ Union AKT and the Service Union United PAM.
We also want to maintain ongoing dialogue and regular meetings with NGOs. For example, we have worked closely with the Finnish Cyclists' Federation to bring together train travel and cycling.
We are a member of Service Sector Employers Palta, which is a member association of the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK). We are also a member of the Finland Chamber of Commerce.
We are part of the Finnish Business & Society (FIBS) network for responsible business. We are a member of the Climate Leadership Coalition (CLC). The coalition brings together exemplary companies that are committed to mitigating climate change. In addition, we have joined the UN Global Compact network, which promotes sustainable business in accordance with UN principles.
Pohjolan Liikenne is a member of Linja-autoliitto (the Finnish Bus and Coach Association) and VR Transpoint is a member of Logistiikkayritysten Liitto (LOGY ry) (the Finnish Logistics Business Association). Avecra is a member of the Finnish Hospitality Association MaRa.
International cooperation
The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) is one of the most important international organisations in the railway sector. The CER is responsible for promoting the interests of the railway sector in the EU. We are a member of CER.