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VR-Group Plc’s financial reporting and Annual General Meeting in 2023

VR-Group Plc, stock exchange release, 14 November 2022 at 12:00  

VR-Group Plc’s financial reporting and Annual General Meeting in 2023

In 2023, VR-Group Plc will report on its results according to the following schedule: 

  • Financial statements bulletin for 2022: Thursday, 9 March 2023
  • Business review for January–March: Friday, 28 April 2023
  • Half-year report for January–June: Wednesday, 30 August 2023
  • Business review for January–September: Wednesday, 1 November 2023 

VR-Group Plc’s annual report for 2022, including the report of the Board of Directors and the financial statements, will be published on 9 March 2023. It also includes the 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report and the GRI index, the Remuneration Policy and Report and the Corporate Governance Statement. 

VR-Group Plc’s Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 30 March 2023. 

Financial reports are prepared in Finnish and English, and after their publication, they are available on the company’s website

VR-Group Plc

Erkka Repo, CFO 

Further information:

VR Group media desk, tel. +358 29 434 7123

About VR-Yhtymä Oyj

We are a responsible service company in the fields of travel, logistics and maintenance and a forerunner in creating the future of mobility in Finland and in the neighbouring markets of the Nordic countries. We take care of smooth daily travel and transport, with experience gained over 160 years. While keeping society moving, we are increasing the popularity of electronic rail and urban transport. In this way, we increase well-being and transport you towards a carbon-neutral tomorrow.  

Our company is owned by the State of Finland. In 2021, our net sales were EUR 838.3 million and we employed over 5,620 top professionals. On board our trains and buses, 83.9 million journeys were made, and we transported 42.7 million metric tonnes of goods. In addition, we expanded our operations to Sweden on 1 July 2022. Our subsidiary VR Sverige’s net sales are over EUR 300 million and the number of journeys made is about 110 million each year. At the same time, we welcomed 3,200 new colleagues. 

We are actively seeking growth and we aim for the top in all of our operations. The better we succeed, the more society around us benefits – we are getting there together for a better world. Further information:

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