VR Group’s result for 2018 was excellent – rail traffic volumes increased
1. February 2019
Press releases
January–December 2018 in brief
- The Group’s net sales increased by 2.0 per cent to EUR 1,276.6 (1,251.5) million.
- VR Transpoint’s net sales grew and, in passenger services and VR Track, net sales
remained at the same level as in the previous year. - Operating profit (EBIT) was EUR 151.7 (110.3) million, or 11.9 (8.8) per cent of net
sales. - Operating profit (EBIT) includes EUR 63.8 (16.4) million in profits on the sale of
assets and EUR -15.8 (-5.1) million in other non-recurring items. - In long-distance traffic, travel increased by 4.4 per cent, with a total of 13.6 (13.0)
million journeys made. - VR Transpoint’s railway transport volume grew by 2.7 per cent to EUR 39.4 (38.4)
million tonnes. - The selling of VR Track to the Norwegian NRC Group was announced in October
2018. The transaction was completed on 7 January 2019. - In May 2018, VR-Group Ltd received the credit rating of A+, with a stable outlook,
from Standard & Poor’s.