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VR Group’s efforts to improve punctuality have visible impact

• Punctuality of rail services in first half of the year showed significant improvement on previous year • Passenger kilometres on rail services increased 4.5 % in second quarter • VR Transpoint focusing on developing bulk goods logistics and selling groupage logistics business to Itella VR Group’s net turnover increased in the second quarter of 2012, with growth particularly in passenger services and infrastructure engineering. The Group’s net result was slightly down on the previous year. The net result was weakened by the rise in personnel and rolling stock costs. “The net result reflects the investments we have made in improving punctuality. The new ticket system for passenger services and the changes in the production structure for logistics place the Group in a stronger position to respond to competition,” states President and CEO Mikael Aro . VR Group had a net turnover of M€ 361.7 (350.3) in the second quarter and M€ 693.4 (683.1) in the first six months of the year. Growth in net turnover in the quarter was 3.2 %. The operating result for the second quarter was M€ 4.1 (6.9) and for the first half of the year M€ -14.6 (-3.5). The net result was M€ 3.2 (4.8) in the quarter and M€ -10.9 (-3.4) from the beginning of the year. Growth in passengers services and improvement in punctuality Major efforts have been made at Passenger Services to improve the punctuality of rail services, and there has been a significant improvement from last year. During the first half of the year 85.6 % (70.7 %) of long-distance trains and 93.2 % (89.0 %) of commuter trains arrived at their destinations on time. In long-distance services a train is counted as late if it arrives five minutes or more after the scheduled time

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