The Annual General Meeting of VR-Group Ltd held on 20 March has confirmed the company's 2012 financial statements. The Annual General Meeting decided in line with the Board's proposal that no dividends would be paid for 2012. The members of the Board and Supervisory Board were also chosen. Hannu Syrjänen continues as chairman of the Board Hannu Syrjänen continues as chairman of the Board. Other members are Riku Aalto, Christer Granskog, Maaret Heiskari, Antti Mäkelä and Tuija Soanjärvi . Soili Suonoja's and Markku Tapio's Board membership ended. New members are Liisa Rohweder and Jarmo Kilpelä . The chairman of the Board receives a 54 750 euros remuneration annually, the vice-chairman of the Board receives 25 800 euros annually and Board members receive 22 800 euros annually. In addition, the chairman of the Board and Board members receive a 600 euros remuneration per meeting. New members for Supervisory Board Kari Rajamäki continues as chairman of the Supervisory Board. Christina Gestrin, James Hirvisaari, Inkeri Kerola, Merja Kuusisto, Asmo Maanselkä, Oras Tynkkynen, Timo Korhonen, Aino-Kaisa Pekonen, Raija Vahasalo and Raimo Vistbacka continue as Supervisory Board members. Sampsa Kataja's membership ended. Pertti Hemmilä starts as new member of the Supervisory Board. The chairman of the Supervisory Board receives a 800 euros remuneration per meeting, the vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board receives a 600 euros remuneration per meeting and Supervisory Board members receive a 500 euros remuneration per meeting. VR Group is a versatile, environmentally friendly and responsible travel, logistics and infrastructure construction service company. VR Group provides employment for 12 000 professionals in Finland and ten European countries.