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Arriva Sverige AB transfers to the ownership of VR Group 1st of July 2022

Arriva Sverige AB, sold by the Arriva International Ltd, has been transferred to the ownership of the VR Group. The contract between Arriva International Ltd which is owned by the Deutsche Bahn and VR Group was signed earlier this spring on 24th of March 2022. 

The acquisition between VR Group and Arriva International Ltd was completed today. Arriva Sverige AB will transfer to the ownership of VR Group in the acquisition. As a result of the acquisition the pre-existing 6200 employees of the VR Group will get 3200 new colleagues. The operations of VR Group Sweden will go under the VR-brand in the future. The acquisition will not impact personnel.

” We have prepared this acquisition with care for a long time. As according to our growth strategy, we want to expand in the Nordic countries and hence, Arriva Sverige AB was a fitting purchase for us. Through them we will gain competitive expertise for the entire group at the same time as we bring our own know-how in building carbon neutral public transportation to Sweden. We want to be the best in the Nordics and that can be achieved with good cooperation.’’, says the interim CEO Topi Simola.

Arriva Sverige Ab, from this day onward VR, will function as the local transportation operator in the Stockholm region, Östragötland area and in southern Sweden, in the area of Skåne. VR has 740 busses in Sweden that enable approx. 58 million journeys a year, as well as 192 trains including trams that enable approx. 54 million journeys a year.

” We are very pleased with the new owner. VR Group’s 160-year-long history as the transporter and supporter of people and the society brings as a lot of know-how through which we can also develop. Our personnel have welcomed the owner from the neighboring country with open arms/with joy’’, says Johan Lindgren, Managing Director of VR's operations in Sweden.

During the last months the employees from both countries have prepared for change in ownership and we continue to work with creating unity in action and finding the new, shared company culture. Our goal is to build a strong carbon neutral public transportation operator.

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