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VR focuses on rail transport in freight traffic – the sale of the road logistics unit to be completed

The transaction concerning the road logistics unit has been approved by the competition authority and completed on 31 December 2024.

As a transport operator, VR will focus on its core businesses of passenger transport and freight transport. In addition, the company aims to sell its station and depot properties in order to create a competitively neutral operating environment. VR will focus on railway transport in its logistics business.

The transaction of the road logistics unit to investment company Mutares was announced in November, and it has been approved by the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority. The transaction was completed on Tuesday, 31 December 2024. As a result of the transaction, the personnel working in road logistics and the customer contracts will be transferred to Kuljettava Oy, which is owned by investment company Mutares.

The parties have agreed to not disclose the purchase price.

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