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1.3 million trips made on board VR's long-distance trains in June – plenty of cheap train tickets available for late summer

In June, about 1.3 million long-distance journeys were made and approximately 1.8 million tonnes of goods were transported by rail. In total, about 7.2 million long-distance journeys were made and 11.8 million tonnes of goods were transported by rail in January–June this year.

Over 1,300,000 long-distance journeys were made in June, which is approximately 7% more than in June 2022 and about 8% more than in June 2019.

“The popularity of train travel remained at a good level in June. We have added plenty of affordable tickets for sale during the summer, and there are still about 500,000 long-distance journeys available for less than 10 euros. There are many great summer destinations to see in Finland, and we also offer more than 100 additional long-distance and commuter trains to the most popular events of the summer,” says Piia Tyynilä, VR’s Senior Vice President Long Distance Trains.

The transport volumes of VR Transpoint’s railway transport in June were 1.8 (2.3) million tonnes. The volumes decreased by 24% year-on-year due to the end of Eastern traffic. Domestic transport volumes decreased by 9% in June, mainly due to weakened demand and production restrictions in the forest industry. In January–June this year, 11.8 (14.9) million tonnes of goods were transported by rail, which is about 20% less than in the previous year.

Track-related causes weakened punctuality in June

The punctuality of long-distance traffic was 84.5% in June. Primary delay entries were divided among track-related causes (63%), VR-related causes (19%) and other causes (18%). The punctuality of long-distance traffic was weakened by track work, speed limits and railway system failures.

The punctuality of VR’s commuter traffic in June was 97%. The causes of delays were divided among track-related causes (65%), other causes (29%) and VR-related causes (6%).

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